Can a Landlord Charge a Tenant Extra for a Dog?

Happy Lunar New Year all! It is that time of year again. Like last year, where I covered chickens for Year of the Rooster, and monkeys for Year of the Monkey prior to that, I will be talking about laws related to dogs here in Hawaii. I am not going to cover dog bite law […]
Honoring Fred Korematsu Day

I’d like to share some of my views on Fred Korematsu Day of Civil Liberties and the Constitution. California created this special day, held every January 30, posthumously for Fred T. Korematsu. It is also celebrated in Hawaii and a number of other states. The Day commemorates Fred Korematsu’s birthday and his contributions as a Japanese American civil […]
Ryan Responds: “Do I Need to Form a Business (Entity)?”

Ryan Responds Video on “Do I Need to Form a Business (Entity)?” One of my New Year resolutions was to finally start doing short informative videos on various aspects of business law. Many social media consultant and other small practice firm friends urged me to do this, as I already do educational seminars for business […]
Are You Prepared? Disaster Planning (for Hawaii)

UPDATE (2018/01/15): Included a PDF for the Hawaii State Department of Defense below. Did You Know How to Respond to the Missile Threat? We are glad that everyone is safe and that the emergency alert about a ballistic missile threat to Hawaii on January 13, 2018, which people received on their mobile devices and saw […]
Recap: Horrors of Business Ownership Part I

Horror Stories of Business Ownership: Recap of Seminar How is the beginning of your November 2017 going? Are you scared there are only 2 months left till the end of the year? Well, speaking of frights, I did a seminar with the Better Business Bureau of Hawaii (BBB) this past Monday celebrating Hallloween. We told spooky […]
Part II, Communicating with Unpleasantness: Demand Letters

What are Demand Letters for? Usually, it is a demand on the other party take some corrective action or to stop doing something. It could be demanding payment because it is late. It could be demanding interest on top of the principal due to the lateness of the payment. Other times, if you are the […]
Business Partners Should Talk About Breaking Up First

When assisting business partners form their entities or when my litigation partner is consulting with me on a case I see the following scenario often: A business partnership starts with a money person and an idea person. The idea person has a fantastic business plan and the money person has the cash. They think it […]
Can You Keep Chickens in Your Backyard?

Happy Lunar New Year All! If you’ve been following me, you may recall I did a blog post on my old website (also found here) celebrating last Lunar New Year’s animal, the monkey. It was a post about “Can You Own a Monkey in Hawaii?” Keeping with that theme this post discusses the laws of […]
Martin Luther King, Jr. on Leadership & Consensus

Aloha and thank you for continuing to visit this blawg, I hope your 2017 continues to be off to a great start. If you are reading this post hoping it is a continuation from last week’s post on communication it is not directly related, but will still follow in the vein on the topic of […]
Communicating With Your Business Partners

A New Year, A New Business, and A New Of Hope Of Communication Aloha and Hau’oli Makahiki Hou! I hope this finds you all well, and I thank you for visiting our legal blog or blawg. How has your first week of 2017? Ready to dive into new projects? For those of you thinking this […]