Business Partnerships a Seminar Recap: All is Fair in Love and War

I just wanted to recap my seminar on business partnerships from last week at the Entrepreneurs Sandbox. Entitled All is Fair in Love and War: Navigating Business Partnerships, and playing off of Valentine’s Day, my panel and I discussed the ins and outs of business partnerships. We touched upon of course my focus, business law, […]
Web Search Autocomplete Questions: Business Partnerships

Hey everyone, Happy Lunar New Year! Lunar New Year and New Seminar Yes, there’s a delay on my traditional post on laws related to the animal of the year. However, check out last year’s How Can I Hunt Boar in Hawaii? or 2018’s Can a Landlord Charge a Tenant Extra for a Dog? In the […]
How Can I Hunt Boar in Hawaii?

Happy Lunar New Year! As some of you know I do a post every year related to the Chinese zodiac animal of the New Year. Last year it was about landlord’s charging extra rent for dogs. The year prior to that one was, can you keep chickens in your backyard. Going to back when I […]
Hawaii Senate Committee Hearing Increase on Minimum Wage Bill

Dear Hawaii Small Business Owner I reach out to you on this post as … A Small Law Firm Owner that Has Legislative Experience and Works with Businesses I am letting you know that the Hawaii legislature has a number of minimum wage bills introduced this legislative session (2019). I am an owner and Managing […]
A Board’s Resolve to Act: Corporate Resolutions

Your Personal Resolutions vs. Corporate Resolutions So we are midway through January 2019 as of this post. How are your New Year’s Resolutions coming along? Are you preparing for your 2018 tax returns? Government shutdown or no the IRS will still be collecting taxes, so that’s always a struggle. In particular keeping your accounting and […]
Happy Veterans Day: Resources for Veterans Owning a Small Business in Hawaii

Support for Veterans Through Business Ownership Happy Veterans Day and thank you to all the people who have enlisted to serve our country. I thank all veterans, but this post is mainly for highlighting those resources available to vets for small business ownership. As it is a topic that I care about and my personal […]
Celebrating Our 2nd Anniversary

What’s Going On with Our 2nd Anniversary It is our 2nd Anniversary and we are celebrating by inviting you to our Open House! If you are in the Honolulu area on Thursday, November 1st then stop by our offices to meet with us, our staff, and learn something. We will be conducting five (5) free seminars […]
Ryan Responds: What’s the Difference Between a Trade Name and Trademark?

Is a Trade Name and a Trademark the Same Thing, or are They Different? In this Ryan Responds video, what are the differences between a trade name and a trademark. Short answer: they are different. Much of the confusion comes up nowadays when people are registering their business and trying to come up with the […]
A Chef’s Work-Life Balance: Closed for Dinner, but Open to Subleasing or Partnering?

Chefs and their Work-Life Dilemma: Dinner Service vs. Quality of Living A friend and a client recently shared a Food & Wine article on their social media. It was entitled “Why So Many Top Restaurants Are Closing for Dinner“. The article was about how restaurateurs and chefs were seeking better work-life balance by opting not to […]
Ryan Responds: “What should go in your Operating Agreement?”

What Should go in your Operating Agreement? In this Ryan Responds video, I go over some of the more important items that an Operating Agreement should cover. While, not an exhaustive list, it is illustrative of the conversations LLC members and managers should have with one another. Business partners should strive to have this organizational […]