Once again, we have a stay-at-home order for O‘ahu, from now through September 23, 2020. There are some new exceptions carved out in this order, which should involve a personal risk/reward analysis. For example, you are now allowed to go hiking, but only “solo.” This means you may not hike in any size group, even if you practice physical distancing and wear PPE. Certainly, we all want to get out of the house, however, common sense should compel you to think hard about going on an intermediate or advanced hike, with no partner, even if it is technically permitted under the new rules. Bringing your phone may not be enough either, because not all carriers have service in every valley or corner of the island. As such, if you want to go for a hike, perhaps tone it down and play it safe for the time being.
Check out these five safety tips from Oahu Search & Research (OSAR):
- Do Your Research
- Review this website for trails
- Note, that in Hawai‘i only marked State trails are considered legal for hiking
- Check the Weather
- Check the forecast in advance and day of
- Pack Your Bag
- Map & Compass
- Sun Protection – sunscreen, hats, long sleeved shirts, and pants
- Extra Layers
- Flashlight
- First Aid Kit
- Fire Starter
- Repair Kit
- Extra Food & Water
- Emergency Shelter
- Signaling Device – whistle, mirror
- Share Your Plan
- Be sure a friend always knows where you are going, and when you will be back, especially if you are hiking alone (which is something OSAR strongly discourages)
- If Lost: S.T.O.P
- S: Stop/Sit – take a break
- T: Think – analyze the situation
- O: Observe – note surroundings and resources
- P: Plan – create a plan based on your observations
Be smart, be prepared, and stay safe!