Business Is Good, But Why Am I Having Issues?

One of the most common issues we assist our small and medium size business clients with are payment disputes. Specifically, in the construction industry, payment delays can become the make it or break it difference in a small or medium size firm. This can be instigated from the type of contract used, or just unwarranted […]
Celebrating Holidays With Safety In Mind

Did you know that some of the most dangerous days of the year on our nation’s roadways are between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day? According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, from 2013 to 2017, more than 800 people died in alcohol-impaired crashes over the Thanksgiving weekend. With the holiday season quickly approaching, many […]
Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Insurance

I Have Insurance, but Is That Enough? Have you ever been in a motor vehicle accident, particularly when you were not deemed “at-fault?” If so, did you remember to exchange contact and insurance information with those involved? While it is relatively uncommon, there is a significant risk that the at-fault party failed to purchase enough […]
For Domestic Abuse Victims, Not All Are “Safer At Home”

In a year of chaos, the Covid-19 pandemic, struggles for equality, and a deafening onslaught of political noise, there is another silent yet significant threat to our local communities and families. Unreported and underreported cases of domestic abuse have risen sharply locally and worldwide. Some public safety measures, specifically stay-at-home orders, which are designed to […]
Stay-At-Home Order Extended: Is Hiking Solo Even Appropriate?

Once again, we have a stay-at-home order for O‘ahu, from now through September 23, 2020. There are some new exceptions carved out in this order, which should involve a personal risk/reward analysis. For example, you are now allowed to go hiking, but only “solo.” This means you may not hike in any size group, even […]
Bicycle Safety In Urban Honolulu

As more residents are moving to urban areas such as Honolulu to reduce their commute time to and from work, alternative modes of transportation including walking and bicycling have increased in popularity, especially with the introduction of biki – a bikeshare service. The City and County of Honolulu is implementing the Complete Streets program to […]
August is Pedestrian Safety Month: Walk Wise Tips

Every year, dozens of pedestrians are killed in Hawaii while crossing the street, walking along roadways, or traversing our sidewalks. According to the State of Hawaii Preliminary Traffic Fatalities Report, from January 1 through July 30, 2020 there were eight pedestrian fatalities. This number is considered lower than some years, but is likely impacted by […]
What are the Consequences for Not Wearing a Mask? *COVID-19 UPDATE*

Hawaii COVID-19 Spikes Today, Hawaii reported 18 new cases of Covid-19, which is part of a two week trend of rising confirmed cases. The rise in confirmed cases is being attributed to the “reopening” of the economy and daily activities. Part and parcel to that is another concerning trend. As we are emerging from our […]
April is National Sexual Assault Awareness Month: How Can You Help?

The Problem and Statistics to Prove It I just wanted to take this time to make you aware of a problem that we need to confront. Sex assault is a harm that not only impacts the victims, but society as a whole. Consider these sobering statistics for the United States: One in five women and […]
Bikes, Sidewalks, and Tourists

I enjoy walking around our office neighborhood a lot, and watching the protected bike lane on King Street & Punahou brings a couple thoughts to mind. Personally, I am glad to see the number of bike share users increasing. I also wish the City and County of Honolulu would add more bike lanes. I’ve also […]